“If you speak both English and Spanish and you want a high-paying career with tons of freedom… Then you needed this program yesterday…”

Instant Interpreter Freedom

Discover the simple step-by-step system for increasing

YOUR ROI “Return On Interpreting” and growing to over 6 figures

…working from home in a $22B+ industry in as little as 90 days!

I have put together a short, special, free video to show you exactly how it works.

Instant Interpreter Freedom

Discover the simple step-by-step system for increasing

YOUR ROI “Return On Interpreting” and growing to over 6 figures

…working from home in a $22B+ industry in as little as 90 days!

I have put together a short, special, free video to show you exactly how it works.


You Can Live Better

The future belongs to those who create it. So claim your spot right now, today.

Would you call your current career…

Lucrative, effortless, and enjoyable?

If not, then check this out…

I’m guessing if you’re like most of the brand-new interpreters we help, you’ve been stuck working very hard just to make it through the month. I was there myself, for a decade -- until I discovered something I have a “natural talent” for… 

If you’re like I was, then you don’t think your ability to speak Spanish and English is worth very much… But luckily, you’re wrong! 

In fact, large international companies will gladly pay you well over 6 figures to work from home doing something you probably did for your family every day growing up! (I know I did…)


You Can Live Better

The future belongs to those who create it. So claim your spot right now, today.

Would you call your current career… Lucrative, effortless, and enjoyable?

If not, then check this out…

I’m guessing if you’re like most of the brand-new interpreters we help, you’ve been stuck working very hard just to make it through the month. I was there myself, for a decade -- until I discovered something I have a “natural talent” for… 

If you’re like I was, then you don’t think your ability to speak Spanish and English is worth very much… But luckily, you’re wrong! 

In fact, large international companies will gladly pay you well over 6 figures to work from home doing something you probably did for your family every day growing up! (I know I did…)

Getting Instant Interpreter Freedom can solve ALL of your financial worries!

  • Having to go to a stupid job that you hate day in and day out 

  • Waking up to a jangling alarm clock way too early in the morning 

  • Unable to pay the bills, “Not having too much at the end of the month.”

  • Your boss is telling you to work faster or harder for no extra money

  • Feeling frustrated like your life is passing you by when you see others being successful 

PLUS: you’ll be able to travel anywhere you want, earn fantastic income during any economy, and live life on your terms because companies NEED someone like you to translate for them.

Professional Mentoring for

3 Months = $6-Figure Results

Look. Even though interpreting is easy, finding the right jobs and presenting yourself as a “pro” has its challenges. 

Even though, as a Hispanic, you’re much MORE qualified than most interpreters working in the field today… You’ll still need to convince potential companies that is the case. 

That’s where we can help you.

Today’s Best Strategies For An Extremely Lucrative Career 

Getting hired is by far the most difficult part of our program. After all, you are already a native speaker. Most other interpreters are only fluent, and some are still working to get there.

We provide you the connections and the industry knowledge to succeed at a high level. Imagine being able to consistently bring in $5-10k per month, working from home on your computer, or even travelling the world to whatever destination your heart calls to next? We can help.

Our 3 Month “Launch” Phase

We show you exactly how to communicate and present yourself like a pro, and understand the kinds of conversations you’ll be interpreting, so that you can make a seamless switch from your current job into a high-paid career as an interpreter. We guarantee: you’ll have at least one serious interview within 3 months, and we aim to help you land a job in that timeframe. But our assistance and professional development help does not stop there.

Unending Career Growth

Even after you have landed your first job, we’ll continue to update you with better jobs so that you can continue to grow your career with better-paying, higher income positions. As you build your track record and professional accomplishments, you’ll be in higher demand.

We show you how to eventually name your own prices and the terms you’re willing to work for in one of the world’s largest – and quickly growing – industries: interpreting.

Today’s Best Strategies For

An Extremely Lucrative Career 

Getting hired is by far the most difficult part of our program. After all, you are already a native speaker. Most other interpreters are only fluent, and some are still working to get there.

We provide you the connections and the industry knowledge to succeed at a high level. Imagine being able to consistently bring in $5-10k per month, working from home on your computer, or even travelling the world to whatever destination your heart calls to next? We can help.

Our 3 Month “Launch” Phase

We show you exactly how to communicate and present yourself like a pro, and understand the kinds of conversations you’ll be interpreting, so that you can make a seamless switch from your current job into a high-paid career as an interpreter. We guarantee: you’ll have at least one serious interview within 3 months, and we aim to help you land a job in that timeframe. But our assistance and professional development help does not stop there.

Unending Career Growth

Even after you have landed your first job, we’ll continue to update you with better jobs so that you can continue to grow your career with better-paying, higher income positions. As you build your track record and professional accomplishments, you’ll be in higher demand.

We show you how to eventually name your own prices and the terms you’re willing to work for in one of the world’s largest – and quickly growing – industries: interpreting.

Bottom Line? We Won’t Let You Fail.

My reputation as an interpreter and a coach depends on your success. 

Inside the Instant Interpreter Freedom program, I’ll help you become massively successful and land your first high paid gig as an interpreter-if it’s the last thing I do. 

All you need to do is take the first step and watch a short, special, free video I made for you by clicking the button below. 

The future belongs to those who create it. So claim your spot right now, today.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

*Earnings and income representations made by Chris Calderon, Villafuerte Solutions LLC, villafuertesolutions.com or Instant Interpreter Freedom, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Instant Interpreter Freedom Program") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Chris Calderon, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Instant Interpreter Freedom Program, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

The Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs, and Chris Calderon individually, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

The Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs, including Chris Calderon personally, may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. Chris Calderon personally uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want The Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs and Chris Calderon to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.

Do you have questions about any of The Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs? Are you wondering if the programs will work for you? Send us an email to info@villafuertesolutions.com. We will be happy to discuss your goals and how The Instant Interpreter Freedom Programs may help you.

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